
NRZ Launches Safety Blitz to Address Rise in Level Crossing Accidents

The National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) has announced a new initiative to tackle the worrying increase in accidents at level crossings across the country. 

In a statement posted on X, NRZ revealed it will be joining hands with various stakeholders to launch a nationwide awareness campaign specifically targeting public transport drivers.

“Following an increase in cases of accidents at level crossings, the NRZ is joining hands with various stakeholders to conduct a nationwide awareness campaign specifically targeting public transport drivers,” the statement read.

The move comes as the NRZ seeks to enhance safety on the country’s rail network and reduce the number of collisions between trains and road vehicles at level crossings.

Industry experts have long identified reckless driving and a lack of awareness among public transport operators as key contributors to these types of accidents.

The awareness campaign is expected to involve a range of activities, including training sessions, road shows, and the distribution of educational materials to public transport associations and drivers.

NRZ officials say the collaboration with stakeholders will be crucial in ensuring the initiative reaches the intended audience and leads to tangible improvements in level crossing safety.

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