
Harare Roads Rehabilitation 90% Complete for 44th SADC Summit

by Priviledge Zviregei

The rehabilitation of Harare’s roads in preparation for the hosting of the 44th SADC Summit next month is 90 percent complete and on schedule, according to a report presented to the Cabinet by Vice President Dr. Constantino Chiwenga.

The government is rehabilitating three main access roads leading to the venue of the Summit, the New Parliament Building in Mt Hampden, including the internal circulation roads. These include the Harare-Chirundu Road, Harare-Kanyemba Road and the Old Mazowe Road.

The rehabilitation work on the Harare-Chirundu Road involves construction, landscaping and street lighting of the section of Julius Nyerere Street from the Main Post Office in the Central Business District to the intersection of Sam Nujoma Extension and Nemakonde Way, and along Nemakonde Way to the Westgate Traffic Circle.

For the Harare-Kanyemba Road, the scope of works includes dualisation, widening, upgrading, reconstruction, rehabilitation, street lighting and landscaping of the section of Sam Nujoma Extension from Nemakonde Road to, and including, the traffic circle at the intersection with the New Parliament Boulevard, past the Henderson Research Institute area to the Mvurwi turn-off.

Rehabilitation of the Old Mazowe Road is underway and the scope of works includes construction and landscaping from the Westgate traffic circle to Mt Hampden, the Loop Road and New Parliament Building access roads, and the New Parliament Boulevard to the intersection with the Bindura Road.

In addition to these main access roads, the government is continuing the rehabilitation of Greater Harare roads with the scope of works including rehabilitation, street lighting and landscaping of 37 roads that link the Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport to the City, and also to Mt Hampden and the New Parliament Building.

Overall, the progress of the road works is 90 percent complete, and the target completion date is the end of this month.

Meanwhile, construction of the Museum of African Liberation is underway, and rehabilitation works at the State Pavilion at the Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport are expected to be completed by the end of this month as well.

The 44th SADC Summit is scheduled to take place in August and the government is working to ensure that the country’s infrastructure is ready to host the event.

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