Insight & Opinion

Heroic Chipinge Woman Overpowers Armed Robber

by Priviledge Zviregei

In a daring act of bravery, a Chipinge woman recently put her life and that of her children at risk to wrestle and overpower a pistol-wielding robber who had intruded into her home with the intention of robbing the family.

The incident occurred on June 28th, when Ms. Irene Samupindi returned home from town and went into her bedroom. Minutes later, a masked intruder, identified as Last Garikai, stormed into the kitchen and confronted Ms. Samupindi’s domestic worker, demanding to know the whereabouts of the homeowner.

Garikai then entered the main bedroom, pointed the pistol at Ms. Samupindi’s head, and ordered her to lie down. However, Ms. Samupindi courageously wrestled with the armed robber, shouting for help. Her children joined the scuffle, blocking the other two accomplices from entering the bedroom.

“Ms. Samupindi managed to disarm the intruder, prompting the three accused persons to bolt from the scene, leaving the loaded pistol behind,” said Acting Manicaland provincial police spokesperson, Assistant Inspector Wiseman Chinyoka.

Ms. Samupindi promptly reported the incident to the police, who attended the scene and recovered the pistol, magazine loaded with four rounds, and a black balaclava.

Two days later, police detectives arrested Garikai, also known as “Musvetu,” and his accomplice, Farai Mangwayana, in connection with a series of armed robberies in the Chipinge farming town. During interrogations, the suspects confessed to the attempted robbery at Ms. Samupindi’s residence, as well as three other armed robbery cases.

“Garikai confessed that he was the one who had committed three armed robberies and one attempted armed robbery on Ms. Samupindi where a pistol was recovered,” said Assistant Inspector Chinyoka.

This incident highlights the bravery and quick thinking of Ms. Irene Samupindi, who risked her own safety to protect her family and disarm the dangerous intruder. Her heroic actions have been praised by the local community and the police, serving as an inspiration to others in the face of such threats.

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