
Eight Students hospitalized After food poisoning

Eight learners from Matoranhembe Primary School in Murombedzi, Zvimba District, were rushed to the hospital last Friday after falling ill with suspected food poisoning.

The students fell ill after consuming rice and soup from a lunch box brought by a fellow classmate, and subsequently began vomiting.

According to National Police Spokesperson, Commissioner Paul Nyathi, investigations are currently underway to determine the exact cause of the incident.

“Investigations carried out by the police revealed that a fellow school pupil brought the lunch box which contained home prepared food after being given two lunch boxes by her parent,” Comm Nyathi explained. “The parent gave her instructions on how to share the food.”

Comm Nyathi stated that the police are continuing their investigations, and further details will be released as they become available.

The hospitalization of the eight learners has raised concerns about food safety and the need for stringent measures to ensure the well-being of students in school environments. Authorities are expected to closely examine the circumstances surrounding the incident and take appropriate actions to prevent similar occurrences in the future.

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