
President Munangagwa Approves Starlink Licensing

In a groundbreaking move meant to transform Zimbabwe’s digital landscape, His Excellency President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa has officially approved the licensing of Starlink, the innovative satellite internet service operated by SpaceX. This historic decision marks a significant milestone in the country’s pursuit of becoming a digitally-empowered, upper-middle income economy by 2030.

“I’m pleased to announce that I have approved the licensing of Starlink by POTRAZ to provide advanced internet and related digital processing services in Zimbabwe through its sole and exclusive local partner, IMC Communications (Pvt) Ltd,” President Mnangagwa declared during a press conference.

The President’s announcement underscores the Zimbabwean government’s unwavering commitment to fostering a thriving digital economy. “Prioritization of the digital economy and the emerging importance of technology in our day to day activities requires Government to lead from the front in providing an environment where investment in technology is promoted,” Mnangagwa stated, highlighting the strategic significance of this move.

Starlink, the innovative satellite internet service operated by SpaceX, a global conglomerate led by Elon Musk, is poised to revolutionize Zimbabwe’s digital landscape. The company’s Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite network is expected to deliver high-speed, low-cost internet infrastructure across the country, with a particular focus on reaching even the most remote rural areas.

“The entry by Starlink in the digital telecommunications space in Zimbabwe is expected to result in the deployment of high speed, low cost, LEO internet infrastructure throughout Zimbabwe and particularly in all the rural areas,” Mnangagwa said. “This will be in fulfillment of my Administration’s undertaking to leave no one and no place behind.”

The President’s decision comes as Starlink has already established a presence in several African nations, including Nigeria, Mozambique, Zambia, Kenya, and Malawi, showcasing the company’s commitment to bridging the digital divide across the continent.

This landmark move by the Zimbabwean government is widely regarded as a transformative step towards achieving the country’s ambitious Vision 2030 goals. By leveraging Starlink’s cutting-edge technology, Zimbabwe is poised to accelerate its digital transformation, empowering its citizens and businesses with unprecedented access to high-speed, reliable internet connectivity.

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