
24-Year-Old Man Sentenced to 36 Years in Prison for Robbery and Rape

Masvingo, April 29, 2024 – In a disturbing case that has shocked the community, a 24-year-old man from Gutu has been handed a lengthy prison sentence by the Masvingo Magistrates’ Court. Alison Muyambo was found guilty of one count of robbery and another charge of rape, leading to his sentencing of 36 years behind bars.

The court ruled that Muyambo would effectively serve 30 years in prison, as six years of his sentence were suspended. The severity of the sentence reflects the gravity of the crimes committed and sends a strong message regarding the court’s stance on such offenses.

According to the State’s case, Muyambo forcibly gained entry into a residence, located in Gutu, by coercing one of the occupants to open the complainant’s door. Upon entering, he proceeded directly to the bedroom, where he rummaged through the room in search of money and valuable items. Failing to find any cash, he resorted to taking the complainant’s cellphone.

It was during this harrowing ordeal that Muyambo ordered the complainant to undress. Initially refusing, the victim was met with a slap from Muyambo, which compelled her to comply with his demands. After she removed her clothes, he abruptly ordered her to dress again, forcibly dragging her outside the residence.

The distressing incident took an even darker turn when, after walking approximately half a kilometer, Muyambo callously tripped the complainant, causing her to fall to the ground. It was at this point that he subjected her to a rape, without any form of protection. Following the assault, he released the traumatized victim.

Fortunately, the courageous woman found solace in the support of her fellow villagers, who promptly apprehended Muyambo and handed him over to the police. The swift action taken by the community in effecting a citizen’s arrest demonstrates their commitment to ensuring justice and protecting the vulnerable.

The Masvingo Magistrates’ Court, after considering the evidence presented and the seriousness of the crimes committed, delivered a stern sentence against Muyambo. The court’s decision serves as a reminder of the consequences that await those who engage in such reprehensible acts, providing some measure of solace to the victim and her community.

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