
Political Analyst takes deeper insights into the Zim independence Journey

…as Zimbabwe gears for the 44th independence celebrations.

Renowned Political Analyst and Award winning Human Rights Defender, Abigale Mupambi released a statement ahead of the Zim @44 independence celebrations.

The statement touches on the Major answered and unanswered questions behind the 2nd Chimurega which gave birth to Zimbabwe’s independence in1980.

The statement reads as below.

Economic Struggle,A struggle within Political Independence -Zim@44

We celebrate the victory of the 2nd Chimurenga ,A protracted bloody struggle which we all collectively agree was waged by selfless cadres who chose to trade their lives for our independence.

Today we are in an economic warfare, an economic struggle within the political independence! I step ahead in terms of self determination. We wholly own instruments of power and better placed to determine our direction ahead,such was never the case during white colonial rule where our people were segregated on racial lines and driven to the tribal trust lands.Policies never favored us . Happy 44th birthday Zimbabwe.

I see the generation of today,people want to seek justification to evaluate whether or not to acknowledge these sacrifices based on their status today. It’s misplaced evaluations. The 2nd Chimurenga struggle was a sacrifice worthy of acknowledging and celebrating today and in future.

Let me take this opportunity to clarify this, our state of social, economic and political predicament today may have been borrowed from our history and in particular in some episodes of the liberation journey but our failure to achieve or win the at hand economic struggle will be entirely our responsibility and that does not reduce or water down the success and contributions of our forefathers in the 2nd Chimurenga that ushered in the political independence in 1980.

Some think that political independence meant that they were now supposed to sit back and relax whilst they criticize every move and efforts by is reality that the political independence is what we got in 1980 giving birth to the economic struggle which to this day we are waging. The first step towards the right direction is to realize where we are first. It’s not over yet until it is over. I980 we got answers to basic political questions!

Why did we go to war?

It was about self rule and self determination, Owning the means of production,the land question among other pertinent arisings.
Until these answers are fully answered the struggle continues unabated.

Yes April 18, I980 ushered in political independence,black majority rule under the leadership of the late President Robert Mugabe, this formed the basis for us to start working and focusing on the social and economic emancipation and capacitation of the black majority in Zimbabwe. We saw education being spread across Zimbabwe positioning Zimbabwe as the country of the most educated. Various economic blue prints ,the land reform and we even attracted targeted sanctions along the journey; This is nothing short of an economic struggle . Political contestations continue whilst power dynamics continue to favour the ruling Zanu PF against the opposition formations, such are the benefits of political independence, ushering in a platform for the citizens to choose their leaders within and amongst themselves!.

However, the people of Zimbabwe are still in search of answers to some of the long outstanding questions relating to the economy and bread and butter issues.On the other end neo colonialism is coming in as a direct counter to the successful 2nd Chimurenga outcomes making it difficult for ordinary people to get their answers promptly as they envision.

What is crucial at the moment is a realization that all these platforms exist at the back drop of a successful liberation struggle of 1980. That’s a struggle within the walls of Independence.

As the people of country,we remain with the responsibility to uphold the economic revolution, we should define the tenants and choose to win with little or no excuses . Let’s draw lessons from the previous struggles ,modify our ways and emerge winners in this fight . Neo colonialism is here with us, distortions and corruption, all these can’t be excuses for our failure but are factors that we need to consider ,accept and face them as we seek to maneuver out of the situation as a country and as a people. 44 years of political independence is a milestone worth celebrations, introspection, review and amplification of more strategies going forward.

We continue to emulate the valued contributions of our departed and living heroes and heroines in their selfless sacrifice in the 2nd Chimurenga.Happy 44th Birthday Zimbabwe.

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