
Binga Woman Escapes jail after fatally sitting on 2-year-old daughter

In a heartbreaking case that has shocked the community of Binga, a 35-year-old woman has been found not guilty of killing her two-year-old daughter. The incident took place in May 2023, and the details of the tragic event were revealed in a recent trial held at a Bulawayo court.

The accused, Shuvai Machongwe, a resident of Chalisenga 1 Village in the Lunga area under Chief Sinakatenge, was declared mentally unstable by High Court Judge Justice Christopher Dube-Banda. The judge ruled that Machongwe, who is a mental patient, should be sent to a psychiatric institution for treatment due to her continued danger to society.

According to the National Prosecuting Authority, the events leading up to the incident unfolded on May 2, 2023. Machongwe’s co-wife, Thandiwe Munsaka, noticed her behaving strangely, singing church songs throughout the night and pacing anxiously.

“She sang church songs the whole night and she was pacing up and down. She never slept,”

Six days later, Munsaka left Machongwe at home with their daughters, including the now-deceased Gaudencia Sibanda, while she went to fetch water from the river.

Upon Munsaka’s return, she discovered that Machongwe had left the house with the deceased child, heading towards the shopping center. Concerned about the length of their absence, Munsaka decided to follow them. After receiving information that the two had been seen heading into the bush, Munsaka and her minor daughter tracked their footprints until they found Machongwe sitting on top of the lifeless body of her daughter.

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Munsaka sought help from two men, Addlord Sabasa and Edmore Mwinde, who apprehended the accused. Tragically, it was too late to save little Gaudencia, as she showed no signs of life when Munsaka picked her up.

During the trial, prosecutors presented two crucial pieces of evidence: a post-mortem report and a psychiatric report confirming Machongwe’s mental instability. The psychiatric report, conducted by Dr. Poskotchinova, concluded that the accused was suffering from a mental disorder, specifically schizophrenia, at the time of the alleged crime. Dr. Poskotchinova determined that Machongwe’s mental state was so disturbed that she should not be held legally responsible for her actions. The report also emphasized that she posed a danger to society and required a special verdict.

Considering the evidence and medical opinion, Judge Dube-Banda delivered a special verdict, ruling that Machongwe was not guilty due to insanity. The judge ordered her confinement in a psychiatric institution for treatment and to protect the community from any potential harm.

This tragic case highlights the importance of mental health awareness and the need for accessible mental healthcare services. It serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by individuals living with mental disorders and the impact these conditions can have on their lives and the lives of those around them.

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