
“Zimbabwe Implements Stricter Measures on Imported Used Cars”

The importation of pre-owned automobiles that have been in use for more than a decade since their manufacturing date has now been completely prohibited. Individuals who bring such vehicles into the country will be obligated to bear the expense of sending them back to their country of origin.On the 54th Statutory Instrument of 2024, titled as Control of Goods (Import and Export) (Commerce) (Amendment) Regulations, 2024 (No. 10), which was published by Industry and Commerce Minister Mangaliso Ndlovu , the previous requirement for an import license for older vehicles in 2021 has been removed and replaced with an outright ban along with a mandatory re-export provision.According to the new regulation, “Second-hand vehicles aged 10 years and above from the date of manufacture shall not be imported. Any second-hand vehicle prohibited under this subsection shall be re-exported by the owner of the said vehicle at his or her expense.”However, the ban does not apply to the importation of commercial vehicles, tractors, haulage trucks, earth-moving equipment, and other specialized vehicles used in mining and construction sectors.In his budget statement for the period of 2020-2021, Finance, Economic Development, and Investment Promotion Minister Mthuli Ncube explained that the prohibition on importing older used cars was implemented to reduce the import bill and support the domestic automotive industry.Minister Ncube highlighted that Zimbabweans had spent approximately US$1.3 billion on the importation of buses, light commercial vehicles, and passenger motor vehicles from 2015 to September 2020.”This is despite the local motor industry’s capacity to assemble the aforementioned range of motor vehicles,” he stated.”Moreover, due to the lack of effective standards and regulations, unroadworthy vehicles that fail to meet environmental and safety standards sometimes find their way into the market.”In accordance with the National Development Strategy 1, which emphasizes value addition, I propose the exclusion of second-hand motor vehicles aged 10 years and above, from the date of manufacture at the time of import, from the open general import license.”Consequently, each imported vehicle will now require a special import license.

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