
Lucky Escape: Businessman’s Trip to Turkey Foils Assassination Plot by Hitmen

A businessman named Oliver Tatenda Chipindu is considered to be very fortunate after narrowly escaping 5 hitmen.It is believed that if he had not embarked on a business trip to Turkey in February, he could have potentially been the victim of a fatal shooting. Allegedly, a group of five hitmen, purportedly hired from South Africa by Chipindu’s business associate, had targeted him for assassination. The accused individual in this matter is Obrian Obert Mapurisa, who is said to have engaged the hitmen due to a fallout over a business transaction that turned sour. The transaction involved a substantial amount of money, specifically US$800,000, which Chipindu had provided to Mapurisa for the purchase of Liquified Petroleum gas tankers in Turkey. Chipindu had requested the acquisition of seven tankers, and Mapurisa had assured him that they would be delivered however, Chipindu grew concerned in January when his attempts to obtain relevant documentation regarding the purchased tankers were met with evasive behavior from Mapurisa. In an effort to clarify the situation, Chipindu reached out to Mimak, the Turkish company responsible for manufacturing the tankers, only to discover that full payment had not yet been made. According to reports, only a deposit of US$132,000 had been submitted. Consequently, Chipindu found himself compelled to travel to Turkey in order to negotiate with Mimak officials, seeking an extension for the payment deadline and was granted until the end of the current month to settle the full price; otherwise, the tankers would be directed elsewhere. Unbeknownst to Chipindu, it was revealed that Mapurisa had hired five hitmen, namely Moses Monde from Johannesburg, as well as Malvin Manzinde, Malvin Tatenda Nyamuranga, Norbert Muponda, and Joshua Mapuranga from Cape Town, with the intention of causing him harm. As of now, efforts are ongoing to locate and apprehend Mapurisa so that he can face the charges against him. The hope is that the legal system will ultimately catch up with him and hold him accountable for his alleged crimes. The case serves as a cautionary tale and a reminder of the need for diligence and caution in business dealings and personal relationships.The case serves as a stark reminder of the dangers that can arise in the business world, as well as the lengths some individuals are willing to go to protect their interests or escape accountability. The incident also highlights the importance of effective law enforcement and the role they play in ensuring public safety and bringing criminals to justice.

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