
We’re seeking redress at the ICJ because the U.S. has used containment to create chaos in Zimbabwe


Pan African Forum (UK) Ltd notes with great disappointment that on March 04, 2024 the USA PURPOTEDLEY gave an impression that they had removed the ILLEGAL SANCTIONS which they imposed on Zimbabwe almost 20 years ago.

Pan African Forum (UK) Ltd is aware that they MODIFIED and added President Mnangagwa and the Vice President plus 10 people in total so, there is NOTHING NEW here to CELEBRATE ABOUT.

We state without FEAR of any sort that ANYONE WHO has followed the route of these SANCTIONS will agree that SANCTIONS WERE NOT REMOVED but REINFORCED for purposes of VIOLENT REGIME CHANGE in Zimbabwe.

Pan African Forum (UK) Ltd notes that all what USA did was to try to CONTAIN and APPEASE the people of Zimbabwe thereby OVERTLY & CORVERTLY wanting to REGIME CHANGE the leadership of Zimbabwe.

Pan African Forum (UK) Ltd notes that the Executive Order on the Termination of Emergency with Respect to the Situation in Zimbabwe tried to LIE to the world that the orders that were effected by the authority vested in the President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America had been removed.

Pan African Forum (UK) Ltd notes the orders, included the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,

Pan African Forum (UK) Ltd wants the WORLD to know that it was NOT removal of any SANCTIONS but the REMOVAL of the names of DEAD persons in their earlier list and REPLACED the names with those that are ALIVE today.

In Short this was a CON by the USA as they were simply extending their foreign policy of CONTAINMENT & APPEASEMENT. This is a CIA ploy to hoodwink the HAPLESS people of Zimbabwe who have suffered, died, killed, and exiled under the sanction regime of the USA hegemony.

Pan African Forum (UK) Ltd would like to inform the PEOPLE of ZIMBABWE and the world that as NON-STATE ACTOR we have NOW agreed with 2 WEST AFRICAN NATIONS to file the case before the ICJ.

We have prepared VOLUMES of EVIDENCE for the JUDICIAL PETITION to the INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE (ICJ) which we SHALL FILE with the COURT in The Hague this week.

We wanted to NOTIFY those TRAITORS within and OUTSIDE Zimbabwe that our ACTIONS will EXPOSE the hypocrisy of USA foreign policy and also to WARN those CELEBRATING A COSMETIC action of the USA to refocus on supporting us to SEEK redress in ICJ.

God bless Zimbabwe

  • Dr. David Nyekorach -Matsanga Chairman / Founder PAF 10.03.2024
  • Accra Ghana

The writer is a Pan Africanist based in London, a political scientist & International Relations expert, who studied conflict resolution, a member of the Royal African Society (RAS) founder/chairman of Pan African Forum (UK) Ltd


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