
El Niño Relief: South Korea Donates $1 Million Amid Drought Crisis

 South Korea, in partnership with the World Food Programme (WFP), has donated US$1 million to bolster food security in vulnerable communities across Zimbabwe, addressing the challenges posed by the El Niño-induced drought.

This generous contribution is expected to assist WFP in providing essential food and nutritional support to 22,000 of the most vulnerable individuals over the next three months.

During the signing ceremony for the commitment, Deputy Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare, Mercy Dinha, emphasized the importance of this timely support. She stated, “This will be instrumental in strengthening our efforts to provide vital food assistance during the lean season, particularly for those hardest hit by the El Niño-induced drought.”

The Deputy Minister noted that the effects of the current drought are anticipated to persist until March 2025, making it crucial to mobilize resources urgently to ensure communities have access to sustenance.

Dinha praised South Korea’s dedication to humanitarian aid, highlighting its essential role in the shared mission to alleviate hunger and malnutrition in Zimbabwe. “The partnership between the government of Korea, the WFP, and the Government of Zimbabwe is a shining example of how global solidarity can address some of the most pressing challenges of our time,” she said.

WFP Deputy Country Director, Mr. Billy Mwiinga, also commended South Korea for its timely intervention. “Your support will go a long way toward alleviating the plight of those hardest hit by food insecurity and helping families put food on their tables in the months ahead,” he remarked.

Mr. Mwiinga added that the assistance would be delivered in alignment with the Zimbabwean government’s food deficit program, addressing both immediate needs and contributing to broader resilience-building efforts.

South Korea’s Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Jae Kyung Park, expressed his country’s commitment to enhancing adaptation and resilience in response to climate change. “As a good friend of Zimbabwe, Korea understands the need to enhance adaptation capacity,” he said, noting that innovations in agriculture could significantly contribute to climate resilience.

This donation marks a critical step in supporting Zimbabwe’s vulnerable populations as they navigate the ongoing challenges of food insecurity brought on by climatic changes.

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