
Maid(22) Sentenced 15 Years for Sexual Assault

A 22-year-old maid from Dzivaresekwa has been sentenced to 15 years in prison after being convicted of aggravated sexual assault against the 8-year-old son of her employer’s landlord. The case, which has shocked the local community, culminated in a full trial where the accused maintained her not guilty plea.

During the proceedings, Harare regional magistrate Mrs. Esthere Chivasa ruled that the prosecution, led by Ms. Abigail Chido Gohori, had successfully proven its case against the maid on two counts of aggravated indecent assault.

In her sentencing, Mrs. Chivasa emphasized the severity of the crime, stating that “aggravated indecent assault is the same as rape,” particularly when the victim is a young child. She noted that under such circumstances, a sentence could not fall below 15 years.

“The offence was committed in aggravated circumstances,” the magistrate said, highlighting the serious nature of the assault. “There is no way a person convicted of rape or aggravated indecent assault can receive a sentence of less than five years. It is possible that the same might have been done to other children,” she added, underscoring the potential for further harm.

The court heard that the incident occurred in March when the boy was playing outside. The maid called him into their bedroom, where the assault took place. The case only came to light on August 19, raising concerns about the safety and protection of children in the community.

Mrs. Chivasa ruled out community service as a suitable punishment, stating it would be a “mockery of justice” given the seriousness of the crime. She also pointed out the risks involved, including the potential transmission of sexually transmitted diseases.

With the sentences ordered to run concurrently, the maid will serve a total of 15 years behind bars, a decision aimed at sending a strong message about the gravity of sexual offenses against minors.

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