
Innscor Win Remains a Myth Until the GMOs Case is Proven: Mupambi

As Zimbabwe grapples with rising cases of diseases like cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure—conditions that were once rare—news broke of Innscor’s legal victory against human rights activist Rutendo Matinyarare. Initially, this might have seemed like good news, a moment for celebration. However, the reality is far less reassuring. Innscor’s win effectively silences Matinyarare but does not address the pressing concerns about their practices.

Matinyarare took on Innscor, an international corporation, accusing it of unethical business practices for allegedly supplying genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in its food outlets without consumers’ knowledge. There are serious allegations that these GMOs may contain carcinogens, contributing to the alarming rise in cancer cases in Zimbabwe.

Award-winning rights defender Abigale Mupambi characterized the court decision as a “non-event” until the critical issue of GMOs is addressed. “The Innscor win in the South African courts remains a myth as long as the courts ignore the core issue: Is Innscor supplying potentially cancerous products to the market, as alleged?” she stated. “Instead of focusing on silencing Matinyarare, Innscor should have taken the opportunity to prove these allegations wrong.”

It is concerning to think that Zimbabweans may continue to frequent outlets like “Chicken Inn” while facing an increasing health crisis, with hospital queues mirroring those at fast-food counters. This situation calls for genuine engagement among all stakeholders. While investment is crucial for the country’s development, we cannot sacrifice our voices, health, and lives in the process.

The connection between Matinyarare’s concerns and the reality on the ground is too significant to overlook. It is imperative that Innscor answers the fundamental question: Do their products contain Cancerous GMOs?

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