
SADC Summit public lecture

President Emmerson Mnangagwa will deliver a keynote address today at the 7th SADC Summit Public Lecture, focusing on the critical role of research and innovation in driving industrialization within the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

The lecture, taking place at the University of Zimbabwe’s Diamond Conference Centre, aims to shed light on the transformative power of research and innovation in education systems. It will explore strategies to enhance research and innovation capacity across SADC institutions, including schools, colleges, vocational training centers, and universities.

This lecture is a crucial step in our collective journey towards a more prosperous and industrialized SADC. By emphasizing the importance of research and innovation, we aim to unlock the potential of our region and drive sustainable economic and social development.

President Mnangagwa’s address is expected to highlight the critical link between research and innovation and the achievement of SADC’s industrialization goals. He will also discuss the need for collaborative efforts among member states to foster a vibrant research and innovation ecosystem that supports economic growth and social progress.

The public lecture is open to the public and will be attended by key stakeholders from the SADC region, including government officials, academics, researchers, and industry leaders.

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