
Born-Again Musician Baba Harare Finds New Calling in Christ

by Priviledge Zviregei

Braveman Chizvino, better known by his stage name Baba Harare, has made a bold decision to leave his successful secular music career behind and dedicate his life to gospel music and serving God.

The 35-year-old multi-instrumentalist, who rose to fame in the jiti music scene, says he has no regrets about his newfound faith, despite facing skepticism and criticism from some of his longtime fans.

“When I gave my life to Christ, some people started mocking me on social media and other platforms, questioning my motives,” Baba Harare said. “But let me hasten to say, no one persuaded me to make this decision. I used to be a church-goer, but I finally gave my soul to Christ who saved me.”

The singer, who is originally from Bikita, says his life-changing moment came during a tour of Australia earlier this year. After a successful sold-out show, Baba Harare says God spoke to him and convinced him to quit secular music and dedicate himself to serving the Lord.

“I know I will miss the thrill of traveling and performing, but I do not regret this move,” he said. “This is the wisest decision I have made in my life.”

Baba Harare acknowledges that it has been a challenge to convince some of his loyal fans to embrace his new gospel music direction. “It will be hard for some of the people who have been loyal to me to accept my new move,” he said. “I quit jiti for gospel music, which has left many people debating.”

Despite the backlash, the singer remains steadfast in his conviction. “As a role model, I will continue using my influence to make sure that I convince others to repent,” he said. “Those who are doubting me will thank me later if they repent and follow my teachings.”

Baba Harare is set to launch his debut gospel album, “Repentance,” this Sunday at the 7 Arts Theatre in Harare. He has invited several prominent gospel musicians to join him in worship and celebration of his newfound faith.

The singer, who recently cut his dreadlocks, has also brought on fashionista and businessman Tinotenda Matayi, known as “Hatiperi Wacho,” as part of his management team.

“Hatiperi believed in me at a time when I had lost some of my friends after quitting secular music to pursue God’s new calling,” Baba Harare said.

The born-again musician is pleading with his fans and the public to embrace and accept his newfound Christian life. “I am appealing to people to embrace me and pray for me not to backslide,” he said. “The good news about prayer is that it changes many things, and even moves mountains.”

Baba Harare’s decision to leave the secular music industry and dedicate himself to gospel has been welcomed by his family, who have been supportive of his spiritual transformation. “My parents congratulated me when they heard that I was now a Christian,” he said. “Of course, I have always been a church-goer, but now that I have genuinely repented, my parents are noticing some positives.”

As Baba Harare embarks on this new chapter of his life, he remains hopeful that his decision will inspire others to find their own path to salvation and a closer relationship with God.

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