
Serial Rapist and Robber Sentenced to 85 Years in Prison

by Priviledge Zviregei

In a shocking case of  a 35-year-old man who terrorized the Glenview area  through a spree of rapes and robberies has been sentenced to 85 years in prison. 

Crispen Bonda, the perpetrator, initially faced 30 counts ranging from rape, robbery, and unlawful entry. Of these, 15 counts were withdrawn before plea, and 4 were withdrawn after plea. However, the remaining charges were enough to secure a substantial conviction.

Following his trial last week, Bonda was sentenced to a total of 85 years imprisonment. 10 years of this sentence were suspended on the condition of good behavior, and 2 years will run concurrently with other sentences for rape and unlawful entry. This leaves Bonda to serve an effective 73 years behind bars.

One of the harrowing incidents occurred on December 27, 2021. Bonda, armed with an iron bar, knife, screwdriver, and torch, waylaid a 43-year-old woman who was walking home from work. He offered to escort her, claiming they were going to the same destination. However, upon reaching a wooded area near Churu farm, Bonda suddenly forced a cloth into the woman’s mouth, pushed her to the ground, and raped her.

The victim did not report the crime immediately, but on March 19, 2022, she discovered she was pregnant as a result of the attack. She then filed a report with the police in Glenview. Authorities advised her to terminate the pregnancy, but she refused, citing the risk of complications and her religious beliefs.

In addition to this case, the court also heard that Bonda had raped several minors, with the youngest victim being just 10 years old. 

The lengthy 85-year sentence reflects the gravity of Bonda’s crimes and the court’s determination to protect the community from such a dangerous individual. This verdict sends a strong message that such heinous acts of violence and violation will not be tolerated in Harare.

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