
Parirenyatwa Nurses in Abuse by “Evil” Matron

Zimtimes Writer

Nurses at Parirenyatwa Hospital in Harare have come forward with disturbing allegations of harassment and mistreatment by a powerful senior nursing administrator they describe as an “Evil Matron.”

In interviews and anonymous complaints, nurses have detailed a pattern of abusive behavior by this administrator, who they say has created a toxic work environment that is driving many nurses to leave the hospital or the nursing profession entirely.

The nurses allege that the senior matron, who has not been named publicly, routinely demeans and intimidates staff, especially in the Neonatal Nursing Unit (NNU) where she is said to harass new mothers. 

“She’ll come in and say things like handisini ndakati muzvare ..ini handitodi vana yamwisai vana ‘vamakada and Nurses are tossed right centre back thats the reason why nurses are resigning, said one nurse who asked to remain anonymous out of fear of retaliation. “The mothers are so scared of her that some refuse to come back after discharge because of how she treats them.”

Nurses also claim the matron wields her authority to remove staff from positions, prevent them from attending training workshops, and grant special privileges like subsidized hospital housing only to her favored employees.

“She lives in one of the nicer flats here, but she won’t let other nurses do the same, even though the housing is supposed to be available to all of us,” another nurse said. “It’s like she’s flaunting her power.”

The litany of complaints against the senior matron include allegations of verbal abuse, fault-finding, and a general failure to support or motivate the nursing staff. Numerous anonymous letters outlining the issues have reportedly been sent to the Ministry of Health, but nurses say their concerns have gone unaddressed.

“We love our work and we love our country, but we can’t breathe because of this woman,” one nurse said, fighting back tears. “Nurses are taking sick leave just to get away from the stress she causes. It’s making us all want to leave.”

Hospital and ministry officials have not yet responded to requests for comment on the matter. However, nurses say the situation has become untenable and are pleading for immediate intervention to investigate the allegations and restore a healthy work environment.

“Something has to be done before we lose even more good nurses because of her,” a matron said. “The patients are suffering too. This can’t go on.”

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