
Bulawayo Church Leads March to Combat Drug Abuse Epidemic

The St Mary’s Cathedral Minor Basilica in Bulawayo has taken a stand against the alarming rates of drug and substance abuse plaguing the city, organizing a march sponsored by ZB Bank to raise awareness on this growing crisis.

The march, held under the theme “Journeying together towards a free generation”, was prompted by concerns over the overwhelming number of drug abuse victims seeking treatment at Ingutsheni Hospital, the city’s main mental health facility.

“Our Ingutsheni Hospital cannot accept any more drug addicts due to overwhelming numbers. A few days ago, there was a report that the hospital admits almost 200 new patients every month; because of that, it has to discharge people very quickly before they are rehabilitated,” said Archbishop Alex Thomas.

Addressing the marchers, Thomas stressed the urgent need for communities to take action, stating, “This is a very scary situation and we have to be serious about this situation. We cannot sit down and watch what is happening in the city. It is very easy to have such kinds of meetings but action is required.”

Troubling statistics shared by Bulawayo Provincial Affairs and Devolution Minister Judith Ncube further underscored the extent of the problem. Nationally, alcohol and cannabis were reported as the most widely abused substances at 61% and 67% respectively. In Bulawayo, the figures were even higher, with alcohol at 68% and cannabis at 62%.

Minister Ncube also revealed that 41% of users were girls, while 59% were boys, with a significant proportion of consumption taking place at drug dealers’ premises and friends’ houses.

“It is my hope that these shocking statistics will direct all of us into action because the future of the country and that of our children is at stake. We need to join hands and tackle this challenge if we are to preserve our city, our province and the country,” Ncube said, calling for a concerted, multi-stakeholder effort to address the crisis.

The march marks a significant step forward in the community’s fight against the scourge of drug abuse, as religious, political and civil society leaders unite to safeguard the well-being of Bulawayo’s youth and the city’s future.

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