
PVOs Bill Cleared to Proceed After Constitutional Approval

The Parliamentary Legal Committee has given a green light for the Private Voluntary Organisation (PVO) Amendment Bill to move forward, declaring the proposed legislation compliant with the Constitution.

This clears the way for the Bill to enter the next stages of parliamentary discussion and debate after the original draft was previously returned by the President for revisions.

The committee’s “non-adverse report” means it found no potential clash between the Bill and the Constitution, putting to rest concerns raised by some over its constitutionality.

“The non-adverse report has put paid to those who sought to cast aspersion on the constitutionality of the Bill as the focus now will be on gathering views from the people meant to improve the proposed law,” said National Assembly Speaker Jacob Mudenda.

The Bill aims to enhance oversight and accountability of private voluntary organizations (PVOs) operating in Zimbabwe. It proposes changes such as broadening the definition of “funds or other assets” for PVOs and formally establishing the Office of the PVO Registrar.

Other key clauses include requiring PVOs to apply for amendments if there are “material changes”, inserting new ethical principles, and allowing civil penalties for breaches.

The public will now have a chance to provide input on the Bill through parliamentary portfolio committee hearings, before it proceeds through the legislative process.

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