
Judge Exits Mutsvangwa Bail Case Citing Personal Reasons

High Court judge Justice Esther Muremba has recused herself from delivering a ruling on Harare businessman Neville Mutsvangwa’s bail application.

Justice Muremba cited personal reasons for her decision to step away from the case. The matter will now be referred to High Court Judge President Mary Dube for allocation to another judge.

Mutsvangwa is facing charges of illegal foreign currency dealings and possession of an unlicensed Starlink internet router. He was previously denied bail by a magistrate and remanded in custody until May 30.

The court heard that police faced resistance when arresting Mutsvangwa, with him initially denying them entry to his Mt Pleasant home before they had to cut through his electric fence and search for him. He was eventually found hiding between a wall and sacks.

Prosecutors opposed bail, arguing that Mutsvangwa and his two alleged accomplices are facing serious charges. During the raid, police recovered around $3,890 in cash, computers, transaction records, and over 20 Visa cards from a money transfer office.

With Justice Muremba recusing herself, the bail application will now be heard by a different High Court judge assigned by the Judge President. This comes after the judge had already heard submissions from both the defense and prosecution legal teams.

The development is a setback for Mutsvangwa, who was hoping for a favorable ruling from Justice Muremba. The case has now been thrown into uncertainty as a new judge takes over the bail hearing.

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