
Government Commits to Empowering Women Across Various Sectors

The Women Affairs, Community, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Minister Monica Mutsvangwa has reaffirmed Zimbabwe’s dedication to empowering women in all sectors of the economy. Minister Mutsvangwa emphasized the importance of gender equality and women’s empowerment in achieving sustainable development by 2030.

Zimbabwe demonstrated its commitment by supporting the participation of women in the 68th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68) held at the United Nations headquarters in New York. The session focused on accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective.

During the CSW68 review meeting in Harare, Minister Mutsvangwa expressed satisfaction with Zimbabwe’s successful hosting of three planned side events. These events covered topics such as financial inclusion and social protection, highlighting the efforts of the country’s First Lady and various stakeholders. The government’s active participation in these events showcased the nation’s preparedness and received constructive feedback.

“One was financial inclusion and social protection. We showcased the work that our First Lady is doing together with many other stakeholders in this country,” she said.
“We also had another side event where the Zimbabwean Government actually participated. Our panellists were excellent and demonstrated a very high level of preparedness. The eloquence and level of articulation of the issues were excellent. Even the feedback that we got from these side events was very constructive. We did well and we are proud of ourselves.”

Minister Mutsvangwa commended women working in Zimbabwe’s judiciary, emphasizing their achievements during a side event organized by the Government of Zimbabwe in collaboration with the UNDP and UN Women. She stressed the need to implement an agreement that would establish strategies and interventions for realizing the goals set forth in CSW68.

Digital skills training for women emerged as a critical aspect of empowering them to thrive in the modern economy. With businesses increasingly operating online, Minister Mutsvangwa highlighted the importance of equipping women with digital skills. She underscored that training in this area was vital for women, young women, and youths to leverage modern technology effectively.

While Zimbabwe’s participation in CSW68 aimed to share experiences, Minister Mutsvangwa emphasized the importance of learning from other member states. Zimbabwe sought to translate the lessons learned into meaningful and transformative actions that would positively impact the lives of women and girls.

In addressing the issue of child marriages, Minister Mutsvangwa acknowledged Zimbabwe’s progress in achieving milestones since independence but expressed concern about ongoing instances of child marriage. The government remains committed to empowering women in the agriculture sector, recognizing their significant contributions to food production.

Minister Mutsvangwa also highlighted the collaboration with financial institutions to support women’s initiatives in the country. The establishment of the Zimbabwe Women’s Microfinance Bank has provided women in business with access to loans, enabling them to start and grow their ventures.

Achieving women’s empowerment aligns with President’s vision of leaving no one and no place behind. Minister Mutsvangwa encouraged all sectors to implement monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to ensure the fair treatment and progress of women. She emphasized the need for tangible evidence of women’s promotion and representation in top positions.

Ms. Nyaradzo Mashayamombe, the director of Tag a Life International, applauded the government’s efforts in empowering women and called for society’s continued support in this endeavor.

Zimbabwe’s commitment to empowering women across different sectors demonstrates its dedication to achieving gender equality and sustainable development. By providing women with the necessary tools, support, and opportunities, Zimbabwe aims to create a society where women can thrive and contribute to the nation’s progress.

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