
Sniper receives a Mercedes Benz C200 from Sir Wicknell Chivhayo.

According to Sniper, he revealed that he had experienced a social media backlash where he was mocked for requesting a car from Wicknell Chivayo. However, Sniper stated that his wish eventually came true as he received a Mercedes Benz C200 from Chivayo recently. Sniper expressed that the negative comments on social media had actually made him stronger, realizing that he shouldn’t pay attention to the hate language used by some individuals. He acknowledged the presence of angry people on social media who are quick to criticize those raising genuine concerns. Sniper commended Chivayo for proving his critics wrong and silencing them. He mentioned that when he initially requested the car, he was simply taking a chance, and he feels grateful that his prayers were answered. Sniper also recognized that many of those who criticized him secretly desire the same things he does. He emphasized that he has learned not to be ashamed of expressing his true feelings. Although he received his car after others had already been gifted, he remained confident that he might still receive one if he made his request. Sniper mentioned that he had met Chivayo two years ago at an event and had only greeted him, without knowing that Chivayo would eventually become his benefactor.

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