
Sexual Abuse of Children in Churches: An Urgent Solution needed.

Date: 22 March 2024

By Staff Reporter

The Church’s mission is to pave the way for the final establishment of God’s Kingdom on Earth. Its goal is to first instil Christ-like qualities in men’s lives, and then to alter society so that the world can be a better and more peaceful place to live.

The perfect Church is detailed in the Book of Acts 1-2, and it functioned as God intended. The church in Acts demonstrated leadership, prayer, worship, discipleship, evangelism, fellowship, and ministry. These seven functions are crucial to a local church’s Biblical health and growth.

Zimbabwe’s constitution protects freedom of worship but not terrible ethics.  An alleged cult leader claiming to be a prophet has been detained after 251 children were rescued from his Nyabira residence.
Police claimed Ishmael Chokurongerwa, 56, was leading an apostolic sect with over 1,000 members on a farm about 21 miles northwest of Harare, where the kids were staying with other believers.
When authorities invaded their compound, they discovered 16 graves, seven of which belonged to babies.

The children were being used to “perform various physical activities for the benefit of the sect’s leadership,” according to police spokesman Paul Nyathi, following the raid. The majority of the children lacked birth certificates.

Police discovered that all youngsters of school age were not enrolled in formal education and were instead abused as cheap labour, performing physical labour under the guise of receiving life skills training.

Following the raid, police spokesman Paul Nyathi stated that the minors, the majority of whom lacked birth documents, were being used to “perform various physical activities for the benefit of the sect’s leadership.”

It was discovered by the police that all youngsters of school age were not enrolled in formal schooling and were instead abused as cheap labour, performing physical labour under the guise of learning life skills.

They reject the existence of the Bible and think that God speaks to them directly, giving instructions on how to get into heaven.

It is critical for all Zimbabweans to understand that no church or faith supersedes the laws of the country. Every Zimbabwean citizen, including women, is protected from all types of violence by the Constitution, which states in section 52 that everyone has the right to be free from violence in both the public and private spheres. Furthermore, all of the rights outlined in the Constitution apply to children as well. For example, children have the right to human dignity, education, privacy, and personal security—all of which protect them from being subjected to physical abuse or forced into marriage against their will.

In 2021, there was dissatisfaction over the alleged death of a 14-year-old girl named Memory Machaya, who died while giving birth at the Johanne Marange Church Shrine in Bocha, Mutare. According to reports, Memory Machaya, who was forced to leave school and marry at the age of 13, died on July 15 and was secretly buried two hours later by the church courts, particularly the Highest Court of the Land, which serves as the child’s principal guardian.

Following the police investigation, they discovered that all of the information provided by Machaya guardians and those interviewed was false, which opened the door to more arrests. The majority members of a cult conceal knowledge.

It is critical for all Zimbabweans to understand that no church or faith supersedes the laws of the country. Every Zimbabwean citizen, including women, is protected from all types of violence by the Constitution, which states in section 52 that everyone has the right to be free from violence in both the public and private spheres. Furthermore, all of the rights outlined in the Constitution apply to children as well. For example, children have the right to human dignity, education, privacy, and personal security—all of which protect them from being subjected to physical abuse or forced into marriage against their will.

Until they are eighteen, children have the right to remain single and not be forced or coerced into marriage. Section 81 of the Constitution, which guarantees children’s rights to health, shelter, food, and a birth certificate as well as protection from abuse and mistreatment, provides special protection for children. The Constitution requires parents to make sure that every child has the opportunity to realize their constitutional rights by guaranteeing them a family and parental care.

If the parent is unable to safeguard the kid or is responsible for the abuse of the child’s right based on religion or otherwise, the parent is guilty of violating the child’s right and must be investigated. This will ensure that charges are carried out since the child is entitled to proper protection from the

In 2021, there was dissatisfaction over the alleged death of a 14-year-old girl named Memory Machaya, who died while giving birth at the Johanne Marange Church Shrine in Bocha, Mutare. According to reports, Memory Machaya, who was forced to leave school and marry at the age of 13, died on July 15 and was secretly buried two hours later by the church. courts, particularly the Highest Court of the Land, which serves as the child’s principal guardian.

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